07 February 2014

Tech weekly startups

The Guardian Tech-Weekly podcast on Start Ups.

Global game jam experience

RT @msdevUK The Global Game Jam, and why game developers should participate: http://t.co/9h141puP6K

Code clubs

Google backs Code Club Pro scheme to boost UK teachers' computing skills http://gu.com/p/3mgpt

Web testing tools

Testing tools for Web Developers from Microsoft, including an online web page scanner that gives all sorts of hints and tips on how to improve a web page.

06 February 2014

MSDN magazine

The February issue of MSDN magazine is out

Modern web application development training

Scott Hanselman posted links to a day of training “Building Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET

05 February 2014

02 February 2014

TM should not apply to single words

'Candy' trademark prompts protest

"Super candy handy mandy saga" sounds like an interesting game. It is daft to let companies trademark a single word.