18 December 2008

Free .NET training

Free training from Inner Workings (via Eric Nelson).

14 April 2008


I have just tried out Jottit for the first time, it seems to be a very friendly wiki-like web site. It is free.

Jottit makes it very easy to create and edit web pages, almost a friction free publishing experience.

My site is here. I don't know if it will catch on with me for frequent use, but I'll try anything new. Especially if it is free.

06 March 2008


Tim Sneath wrote a wonderful blog post on the Mix08 keynote.

The Mix08 sessions are appearing online now...

13 February 2008

ASP.NET wiki

There is now a wiki on ASP.Net

05 February 2008

MSDN Code Gallery

MSDN Code Gallery is a new community site for code samples, snippets and resources...