24 February 2007

Web design from scratch

The web design from scratch website has lots of articles, and ideas on web-design.

23 February 2007

Low energy web site design

White on Black web designs are quite fashionable, and in some cases could save lot of energy. They tend to be a bit hard on the brain though, after a while.

I'm not sure if they only save energy on CRT displays, but there are still a lot of those about anyway.

There is some interesting advice on energy use of different colours and screen savers.

EcoIron has also come up with a low energy palette for web designs. It uses white but only for highlights and accents.

The best way to save energy is to remember to switch off when you have finished ... You could even remind your visitors to do that. Switch off now!

22 February 2007


StartupSpark is a site giving advice on starting a business... not specifically microisv style, more general advice.

21 February 2007

Refactoring for ASP.NET

A free download from Developer Express, refactoring for ASP.NET.

20 February 2007

More petitions

The petition in favour of road pricing is doing well, with 3170 signatures so far. Although I noticed that someone has given their name as "AnyonewhosignsthisisaTrotskyistwhoouldbebettersuitedlivinginRussiainthe1900's".

The site would be improved if you had to register to sign a petition. There is really no need to show the names of people who have signed.

We are likely to get road pricing in Bristol sometime, since the planners are removing all the car parks. Personally, I'm in favour of anything that will finally stop me spending 2 hours a day in the car, even if it means spending longer on a bus...

19 February 2007


Developer Day 5 has been announced.

18 February 2007

List of Trouble Makers

Why not add your name to the list of trouble makers and sign a petition?

It seems number 10 has got tired of recycling all those paper based petitions people used to deliver, and now it is all done electronically.