02 October 2014

Designing Evolvable Web APIs

An excellent free resource from O'Reilly...

29 September 2014

Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi audio synthesiser for the Raspberry Pi.

04 August 2014

13 May 2014

Crappy installer

Can't believe Visual Studio wants over 5GB of space on my C drive. This is after I've told it to install on D:

The boot drive is for booting. Currently this takes 17 seconds.

04 April 2014

06 March 2014

Msdn magazine

March 2014 MSDN Magazine

05 March 2014

ASP.NET MVC 5 Lifecycle Document

A graphical representation of the ASP.NET MVC 5 lifecycle, but you will also see all the comprehensive details and explanations of the MVC pipeline that can help you make the correct decision on the what, when, and how of your ASP.NET MVC code development”

04 March 2014

Tutorial Series for Entity Framework 6 MVC 5 Published

Tom Dykstra – MSFT has published a new Tutorial Series for Entity Framework 6 MVC 5

The details are here

The tutorials…

Handling concurrency Implementing inheritance Advanced scenarios
Creating an Entity Framework data model
Implementing basic CRUD functionality
Sorting, filtering, and paging Connection resiliency and command interception
Code First Migrations and deployment
Creating a more complex data model
Reading related data
Updating related data
Async and stored procedures

28 February 2014

26 February 2014

Sql server 2012 replication

“Fundamentals of SQL Server 2012 Replication” by Sebastian Meine is a free PDF downloadable book, and introduction to the world of SQL Server Replication. The download is available from the RedGate website.

25 February 2014

Maths in c#

Eric Lippert on Maths in C#

07 February 2014

Tech weekly startups

The Guardian Tech-Weekly podcast on Start Ups.

Global game jam experience

RT @msdevUK The Global Game Jam, and why game developers should participate: http://t.co/9h141puP6K

Code clubs

Google backs Code Club Pro scheme to boost UK teachers' computing skills http://gu.com/p/3mgpt

Web testing tools

Testing tools for Web Developers from Microsoft, including an online web page scanner that gives all sorts of hints and tips on how to improve a web page.

06 February 2014

MSDN magazine

The February issue of MSDN magazine is out

Modern web application development training

Scott Hanselman posted links to a day of training “Building Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET

05 February 2014